Marcus Vinicius Andreo Gabilheri ئاپەکان

fit•hub 3.2.1
fit•hub was one of the Grand Prize winners ofthe Google Fit Developers Challenge!!It has recently been completely•hub works with the following accounts:* Android Wear* Fitbit* Jawbone* Misfit* MovesIt does NOT work with:* Mi band (I would love to add support for this band. But... Thereis no support offered from Xiaomi to allow 3rd party developers appfor Mi Band)* Garmin (There is no Open platform for developers to develop forGarmin Connect. I talked to their market system but they do notpartner with small developers... So I will not be able to addsupport for Garmin)fit•hub works as a hub for you!No more having to look through all of your fitness apps to see yourdata.No more asking your friends with different devices how many stepsthey have today, be social and add friends to your list independentof their fitness tracker•hub lets you sync multiple accounts into one single datasetor view them individually.Note that fit•hub can only read data from the official apps and cannot be used in substitution of them.NOTE: If you are using a Custom ROM and are having troublessigning in to Google or authenticating Facebook, Google Fit, etc..That is on your own. You should contact the developer of the ROMthat you are using.Note2: If you are using Google fit it requires location. Checkthat location is enabled in your phone otherwise linking andsyncing with Google Fit may not work.Note3: If you are using the Watchface and the weather is notbeing updated is because Location is not ON either. Go intoSettings -> Enable•hub permissions explained:*Internet: Access the data from the different fitness providers,sign in, check friends notifications.* Run at start up and prevent from sleeping are necessary for theapp to start the sync service when the device is restarted.* Read Contacts is used to suggest you contacts to add to yourfriend list through their email address.* Access WIFI and Network state is used to determine if theapplication has access to the internet or not.* Find and use accounts on the device is necessary in order to SignIn with Google.This application was developed very fast by a college student(me) for the Google Fit challenge. for any bug report or featurerequest please contact me at: you.
Inbox DashClock Extension 1.3.2
This is app is supposed to be used with INBOXBY GMAIL app... it is not an extension for email accounts / emailapps.It does not work with Exchange.It requires the GMAIL app to be installed as this app uses theunderlay content provider for Gmail to read the emails. (This isbecause the inbox app does not offer a content provider of it's ownfor 3rd party developers)If you are using any Xposed modules or weird root settings andthe app does NOT work for you then you are completely on your own.I do not have any root devices to test this kind of settings and Iwill not root any of my phones in order to test this. If you dohave Xposed or root settings or apps that modify APK and systembehaviors and the app does NOT work for you please do not leave abad review saying that it doesn't work.ThanksInbox extension for the popular DashClock widget by RomanNurik.This is NOT a stand alone app and needs DashClock to work.If you have any Exchange accounts that does not work with inbox,deselect those account from the settings within the extensionsettings.Features:* Unread count for the selected GMAIL Accounts.* Select to view unread count for different labels separately* Hide unread count from Promotion emails* Shortcut to inbox app.Base code credits for: Roman NurikIcon made by: Jeremy Avery
Magic Ball 1.0
Magic Ball! Get the answer for thosedoubtfulquestions on your mind!This application was developed to be used as a Codelab toteachpeople how to program Android apps.The code is Open source and can be found on thislink: set:* Shake the device horizontally to get a answer* Shake vertically to clear the answer* Android wear app with shake functionality as well.
Movie Browser 1.0
Application for Android TV to browse TheMovieDatabase. This app was use for usage on a series of tutorialsonhow to build an Android TV app and the code is open source.Link to thearticle: app uses The Movie DatabaseAPI: